CAI West Florida Chapter Welcomes Our New Members

For the Month of January 2025!


Welcome New Manager Members!!

Christine Wofford
William Wright (AMI-Advanced Management, Inc. AAMC)
Andy Moore (Gulf Coast Property Management)
Lee Clouse (PMI Capstone)


Welcome New Homeowner Leader Members!!

PMI Capstone


Welcome New Homeowner Leader Members!!

Vicki Cochran


Brook to Bay Resident's Cooperative, Inc.
Diane Colbry
Alma Conklin
Tom Dyke
Mike Heinberger
Dan MacLaughlin
Mike Moos
Bill Orechoneg
Craig Soutiere
Susan Spiak


Laurel Lakes HOA
Francene Hanson
Amy Stanzyk


Oakwood Manor Homeowners Association
Tony Calvino
Judith Cowan
Richard Evans
Ron Fransoo
Richard Knapp
Paul Knaus
Martin McSweeney
John Werely
Patty Whitmer


Treegate East Condo Association
Scott Smith


Tara Verandas Condominium Association, Inc.
Holly Bauer
Paul Chevalier
Gary Crain
Christine Elt
Mike Halvorson


The Inlets Condominium Association
Bob Beckman
Shirley Dodson
Joseph Frustaci
Tom Mattmuller
Pamela Schultz



Welcome New Business Partner Members!!